Week of January 20, 2025
*Indicates new or updated request on list
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Prayer for Healing and Hope
*Swati Flood asks for prayer for provision of a new job while navigating motherhood.
*Bill Enslen is awaiting MRI results to determine the best next step.
*Flo Dowling will be having oral surgery tomorrow. Prayers for a quick recovery.
Ongoing Prayer Concerns
David Childs is continuing his treatments. Continued prayers for healing are appreciated.
Claire Brittain has moved to rehab for further recovery.
Debbie Norris has been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Lee Norris is now under hospice care.
Mel Foucht is recovering from a broken hip and surgery.
Peggy Clendenin is improving. Continued prayer for recovery.
Carol Beck has kidney and heart failure.
Eunice Peterson would appreciate prayers for returned strength.
Linda Sinclair is seeing improvement, but asks for continued prayers.
Jerry Brown prays for peace, wisdom, and healing.