Week of February 17, 2025
*Indicates new or updated request on list
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Jackie and Jerry Elliott welcomed their second grandbaby into the world - Prince Oliver.
Prayer for Healing and Hope
*Joan Koehler’s cousin, Griff Sexton, was in a plane crash and survived. Prayers for his recovery.
*Flo Dowling’s friend, Carol Walker, has lung cancer and is having a difficult time breathing.
Ongoing Prayer Concerns
Bill Lee is praying that PT will be able to fix his shoulder and that he will not need surgery.
David Childs is continuing his treatments. Please pray for healing.
Debbie Norris met with oncologists and has a treatment plan. Lee Norris is under hospice care.
Eunice Peterson would appreciate prayers for returned strength.
Linda Sinclair is seeing improvement, but asks for continued prayers.
Jerry Brown prays for peace, wisdom, and healing.