Our desire is that every woman can find a place to belong and feel a part of the New Hope family. Our goal is to provide spiritual support and opportunities for you to live out your faith in service to each other, in the church, and in the Fort Myers community.
In addition to the ongoing ministries throughout the year, we also schedule special activities, casual get-togethers, and various service projects. If you have questions, please email Pat Thompson at patthomp06@comcast.net.
Ladies, please join us Wednesday mornings, January 8 through March 12, from 10am-noon at New Hope for a Women's Bible Study. See how God reveals Himself through Scripture...it all began with the Word. We will be using God of Creation by Jen Wilkin, which is an in-depth, verse-by-verse study of Genesis 1-11 that will go beyond the surface level of knowing the stories - revealing more of both God and us. Please purchase a copy of the book before attending the class. It is available on Amazon, Christianbook.com, and other retail stores.
Wrapped in Love - Prayer Shawl Ministry
In our prayer shawl ministry volunteers make hand-knitted and crocheted shawls to give to those who are hurting physically and emotionally. They also make baby blankets to celebrate the birth or baptism of babies born to New Hope Presbyterian and MOPS moms. Knitters meet on the first Thursday of the month at 10am in Room 206 to work on shawls, pray over them and fellowship with other women. We encourage women to make shawls or blankets at home when they are unable to join the group at church. Please contact the church office if you know of someone who would benefit from receiving a shawl. Questions? Please contact Jill Ritterbusch at jillritter@aol.com or 239.489.0949.
Sew Worthy Quilting Group
Sew Worthy is a group of ladies who like to sew and primarily work on quilts for certain causes and enjoy fellowship with other women. We meet at New Hope on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 10am-noon in Room 209. New members, including new quilters, are always welcome! You can contact Linda Daniels at 607.221.1017 or Nancy Seim at 612.501.0543. We love walk-ins and visitors and we have sewing machines for those who do not own one.