New Hope eNews - March 7, 2025

God designed our faith to be not just for ourselves, but to also spread to others. His plan is for the gospel to be infectious. John Stott said, we want to be a church that shares the good news of Jesus simply, naturally and enthusiastically with our friends and neighbors. The church is not meant to be sitting in the bleachers watching a few players on the field below. The church is called to empty the stands and join the few on the playing field to reach the least and the lost. The church is meant to be a movement not a monument.

I want to challenge you to make an impact for God’s Kingdom by pursuing one person who you could share Christ with. The intention of Who’s Your One is to start by praying for someone you know who is far from Christ. Prayer has always been at the heart of every evangelistic movement. We will have a guide available during the weekend services to use over the next 30 days. Imagine if every one of us at New Hope began to pray and share Christ with just one person this year.

We are called to soak into our community like salt and we are meant to shine brightly in midst of the cultural darkness. We are a people that are sent into the world to change the world. We are called to make the Kingdom of God visible. God’s power and the work of the Holy Spirit can take each of our “ones” and make a significant impact for God’s kingdom. So, join us over the next nine months in prayer and sharing Christ and let’s see what God will do!

For His Kingdom,

If you attend our 11am Contemporary Service and would like to familiarize yourself with the songs we will be singing this Sunday, here are the links to check them out:


I Thank God
There's Nothing That Our God Can't Do
Goodness of God
Been So Good

Build My Life

We will have a limited number of Mark Mittelberg's book Contagious Faith available for purchase in the Lobby this Sunday, March 9. This is the book on which our current sermon series is based. You can click here for the payment link.



Make plans to join us this Sunday, March 9, from 5-6:30pm in Room 212 for our Lego Family Fun Night! We'll have dinner together, navigate Lego-themed games and challenges, and spend time getting to know one another. All ages are welcome!


February 21-23, 21 students and four leaders attended the Southland High School Winter Retreat, providing a wonderful opportunity for New Hope's high schoolers to grow closer to God and each other. Students started their day with quiet time, listened to meaningful lessons from the book of John lead by FGCU RUF Campus Minister, Lucas Tanner, spent time in small groups with their church family discussing lessons, and participated in moving worship with churches from all over the state. In their free time, students were able to take advantage of the numerous amenities on campus. A highlight was our high school seniors learning more about RUF (Reformed University Fellowship), a Christian ministry located on many university campuses. Current college students shared about their own experiences and the importance of getting connected to a Christian community within their first few weeks at college. It was such a blessed and fruitful weekend for all in attendance.

Discover the Joy of Sharing Your Faith!


Are you ready to embrace evangelism with confidence and grace? Plan to attend an empowering Evangelism Training Event featuring Rev. Rico Tice, co-founder of Christianity Explored Ministries! Understanding the anxiety many feel about evangelism, this event focuses on a path rooted in love and grace, strategies for confidently sharing the life-changing message of Jesus, and practical ways to overcome fear and hesitation. The event will happen March 15 from 9am-3pm at Covenant Church of Naples (6926 Trail Blvd., Naples). The cost is only $15 and registration is available at

There will be Elders available for prayer in the Mother’s Room after each of our Sunday morning worship services. If you are in need of prayer, they would be happy to pray with you. The Mother's Room is located just outside the back corner of the sanctuary. This is open to anyone and for any prayer need.


We celebrated and honored our volunteers in Family Ministry last week with a Fiesta & Fajitas Luncheon to thank them! These folks serve week in and week out with our preschoolers through 12th graders, pouring into these young lives and building God’s Kingdom one child at a time! We praise God for these wonderful, servant-hearted people and their roles at New Hope!



After having to be out of their home for several months, M&E are now back with a renewed vision of what God is doing. They have shared the names of five different couples who are very open to the gospel and seem eager to hear more about Jesus. Pray for God to open their hearts and bring them to saving faith in Jesus Christ.


03/02/25 Offerings: $33,061